• info@uias.us
  • 304 S. Jones Blvd Las Vegas, Nevada NV, 89107 United State Of America

About Us


To ensure the enhancement and continual improvement in the operational and quality efficiency through the value added, competitive, result oriented auditing practices to achieve international recognition for excellence of Management System Certification.

UIAS is an independent accreditation authority. It accredits certification bodies and training organizations and also administers an auditor registration scheme. UIAS is independent, impartial and a model pioneer in the field of accreditation.

UIAS is thought to be the major independent accreditation body in the world. The organization has been a persistent pioneer in the field of accreditation, well known and respected for its combination of innovative and user-friendly business acumen and its respect for the forceful maintenance of integrity and impartiality that is the hallmark of the quality declaration profession.


UIAS Forum Limited has pioneered novel approaches to accreditation that permit benchmarking via measurable evaluation of conformity assessment body (CAB), performance. We have gone a lot further than just 'yes'/ 'No' in our accreditation procedure. Our objective accreditation reporting permits us to monitor the performance of CABs year on year and delivers us the ability to determine, in detail, the manner in which CABs are achieving the levels of excellence we demand.

Accreditation is a procedure in which certification of competency, authority, or credibility is presented.
Accreditation by an independent authority means that when you choose a certification body to review your activities you are choosing someone who has been reviewed against defined standards. You will know that they have their own documented operating system and procedures for looking after your interests. You know that accreditation by UIAS Forum Limited has provided a level of assurance and recourse that is not normally available to business.

All organizations certificated by UIAS Forum Limited accredited organizations may be independently verified and their current certification status checked. In addition, all students who have successfully completed ASCB (E) accredited training courses are listed and may be independently verified.

Benefits of Accreditation

Knowing that you’re Certifying Body is being constantly monitored.

Have recourse to a higher level of authority if required.

Know that the Certifying Body operates to defined procedures that are constantly reviewed.

Know that you have a balanced level of service that does not compromise your business operations.

Knowing that you have someone to turn to if you have a problem with the quality of supplies or products.


Policy and Objectives

The Policy of UIASForum Limited has the objective of growing the pleasure of all the attracted parties, directly or indirectly, in accreditation actions.

In order to achieve organizational policy, UIAS has well-defined exact objectives:

  • To be similarly accessible to all the certification body candidates who wish to be accredited to the criteria of the Board within its possibility and ability, within the geographical limits decided by the Board
  • To improvement criteria of accreditation in line with global developments and to adoptive development in the quality of certification procedure with the support of certification bodies.
  • To be impartial in its decision on criteria and procedure of accreditation.
  • To search for mutual acknowledgement of the accreditation schemes globally.
  • To be independent of any undue influence of any stakeholder and to conduct its business professionally.

Our Accreditation – Global Recognition.


To deliver credible standardization and accreditation services to develop environmental, social and economic well-being.

  • Integrity : Entire audit activities are operated with maximum adherence to the principles of ethics and professional duties, and they follow shared and well- established processes whereby uncertain explanations of the needs of standards are reduced.
  • Impartiality :  All stakeholders reflect a balanced representation of the main economic, scientific, technical, social and institutional subjects who have direct or indirect interest in the activities of accreditation and certification.
  • Transparency :  UIAS rules, which conform to the applicable international standards and guides, are under continuous review by means of mechanisms based on agreement and with the use of working groups in which all interested subjects may participate.
  • Independence :  Accreditation is approved with the assurance that the conformity assessment process is totally free of undue effect. The independence of each member of an audit team is carefully checked.
  • Competence :  UIAS technical officers and evaluators receive adequate professional training and updating so as to guarantee at all times a high level of performance, including through the maintenance and development of their qualifications.
  • Market awareness :  UIAS is involved in the investigation and increase of new accreditation schemes and in drawing up and go over guidelines for the consistent evaluation of reference standards in order to meet the increasing and diverse demands of worldwide socio-economic situation.